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Fall House Concert Tour

We're looking for some house concerts in October and would love your help getting the word out. We have signed on as an artist on and thought we'd cast the net a little wider here, too.

Here are the dates we're looking to fill.

October 6th - Spokane, WA / Sandpoint ID(Friday)

October 7th - Bozeman MT (Saturday)

October 8th - MT/ WY (Sunday)

October 10/11/12 Denver / Colorado Springs etc

October 18-21st New Mexico

October 26th - Cali /San Francisco

October 27/ 28 Oregon

Do you know someone in these towns that might want to invite some friends over and hear us play?

It's pretty easy to host and there's a fairly comprehensive how to guide on our website here;

Please send us a message if you have any leads.

You can contact us at


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